Kapok Flower Nectar

For consumption by children and pregnant women, honey from kapok flower nectar is believed to be the safest and most superior, this is because the character of honey is soft and has a full texture but is not too sweet so it does not make children feel uncomfortable. The soft character of kapok flower honey has finally become the choice of young women as the most appropriate facial mask ingredient.

Randu flowers are one of the things most liked by bees because apart from producing abundant nectar, randu flowers also produce a lot of flower pollen/bee pollen. Randu trees are also known as a rich source of propolis. Because of this, beekeepers consider kapok flowers to be a paradise for beekeepers


Calliandra Flower Nectar

The character of honey which tends to be sparkling and light in body with a moderate level of sweetness makes this honey very suitable as an ingredient in tropical honey infused water drinks. It’s not surprising that calliadra flower honey is one of the best-selling honeys and runs out quickly.

Calliandra plants usually grow in higher and cooler areas so the honey produced is thinner. The high natural glucose content makes this honey crystallize more quickly, so honey from calliandra flower nectar is claimed to be the most appropriate for making clover honey.

The most popular benefits of honey from calliandra flower nectar are believed to be that it can increase hormone productivity, help the pregnancy process and fertilize the womb. Neutralizes low or high blood pressure and helps overcome rheumatism.


Eucalyptus Flower Nectar

Eucalyptus honey is a type of honey taken from bees that take nectar from eucalyptus trees, which has a unique color, aroma and taste.

This honey, which has another name as eucalyptus honey, provides many health benefits, especially for the respiratory system. Not only for the respiratory system, eucalyptus honey also has many benefits for the body.

As the name suggests, this honey is produced by bees that pollinate the flowers of eucalyptus trees. This honey is characterized by an unusual moist wood aroma, very strong and persistent compared to other types of honey. Has a low sweet taste with a slightly sour and salty taste.

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Rosewood Flower Nectar

Sonokeling honey is genuine honey produced from rosewood flower nectar which is sucked by native forest honey bees from Indonesian forests. This honey is harvested when it is perfectly ripe so that all enzymes are active in the best condition.

This type of rosewood tree is very easy to find in Indonesia, because it has many uses and also has high economic value.

Genuine rosewood honey contains enzymes that are very good for treating digestive problems and contains natural antibiotics and anti-fungals that are effective for treating digestive problems without disturbing the balance of germ colonies in the stomach. This honey is very safe for consumption by all ages, from children to the elderly.


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Nektar Bunga Wijen

Honey from sesame flower nectar is classified as a medicine.

Even though sesame is classified as a self-pollinating plant, sesame flowers are often visited by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) which helps cross-pollination occur.

Honey bees like sesame flowers because besides containing a lot of nectar and having an attractive aroma, sesame flowers also contain a lot of pollen.